In an effort to complement Government effort in delivering quality education, the 2020/2021 Annual Back to School Event was a great success with Phase 1 on December 10, 2020 in Waterloo, and Phase 2 on December 17, 2020 in Makeni. This year, a total of about 80 beneficiaries attending primary, secondary and vocational training were recipients of our Fourth Annual back to School supplies Drive.
Phase 1 In the Western Rural District, Waterloo took place at the BLPSL headquarters office 22 Sesay Drive, Mango Farm Junction. on December 10, 2020. Osman Kargbo, BLPSL National M & E gave a brief statement thanking caregivers, parents, partners, and beneficiaries for honoring our invitation. Program started at 11:00 AM. The chairperson Osman Kargbo gave his keynote address on BLP’s vision, mission and what we have done from the previous years to date marking BLP’s fourth-Annual Distribution ceremony since the inception of BLP’s flagship programs in 2016 namely:
Mend The Gap School program for vulnerable Ebola orphan and Survivors (MDG)
Girls Shall Rise (GSR), Bright Light Projects Mothers Club Familiarization Program (BLPMC), and lastly Upholding Sensitive Prevention and Control to Curtail the Spread of COVID-19 Virus in BLP Operational Communities. A total of 28 beneficiaries from 10 different Communities (Lumpa, Mabureh, Kissy, Newton, Monkey Bush, Tombo, Mango farm, York, Hanga, Camp) in the Waterloo area benefited from this Fourth Annual Back To School Distribution Event.

The program continued with addresses from partners invited from Western Area Rural District Council, Marie Stopes and ChildFund Sierra Leone. Nancy J. Mahoi spoke on behalf of her colleague beneficiaries on the long-term benefits BLP have been providing for them and how that has impacted them in their lives. The supplies were then distributed to every beneficiary done by partners invited. Refreshments crowned the day.
Phase 2 in Bombali District, Makeni, was organized on December 17 , 2020 at the BLP Northern regional office located at 12 Water works Road, New London, Makeni. BLPSL Northern regional coordinator Samuel Thoronka thanked partners, caregivers, media and beneficiaries while calling on partners to support BLP to enable us reach more vulnerable children and youths through education and skills training. Mr Ahmed Turay, Social Service officer for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA) in Makeni welcomed all thanking BLP for working hand in hand with MSWGCA in the domain of child protection, providing skills training to Commercial Sex workers and victims of Gender Based Violence in Bombali District. Other partners and speakers include: Mr. Julius Sesay from the Ministry of Secondary and Basic Education, Isatu M.. Kamara from Children’s Forum Network, Madam Ababibatu B. Trolley from the family Support Unit FSU in Bombali District
BL Makeni Bombali District North Eastern region fourth Annual supply distribution targeted five communities which include Massathi, Pate Bana, Rosint, Manor, and the Makeni municipality where 54 beneficiaries benefited across the targeted communities. Beneficiaries benefited are cut across primary, secondary schools and vocational institute; both male and female in all communities, 22 male, and 32 female were benefited, which made up a total of 54. Eight (8) benefited from primary 1-3 and 14 benefited from 4-6 which sum up to 22 primary beneficiaries, Twenty Three (23) benefited from junior school were 23 and 3 from the senior school which sum up to 26 And 6 from vocational skills Institution.