Republic of Guinea or Guinea-Conakry has a total land area of about 245, 857 Square km. Population of about 12,044,000 with a growth rate of 2.7%. About 24 different Ethnic groups with 3 major groups (Puhls 40%), Malinkes (30%), Sousou(20%), remaining 21 ethnic groups form about 10% of total population. About 85% of the population are Muslims, and 15% for other religious groups.
Social Challenges facing the Republic of Guinea
Literacy rate about 29.5 %
Female Literacy rate about 18%
55.5 % of population live below poverty line
46% of school age children are out of school
About 40 of children are engaged in Child labor
HIV AIDS adult prevalence is about 1.3%
About 2500 Ebola orphans
About 1500 Ebola Survivors
Bright Light Projects Guinea (BLPG) pioneer project in Guinea Leone dubbed “Mend the Gap Schooling Program for vulnerable Ebola orphans” has directly impacted about 97 Ebola orphans and survivors. BLPG has carried out vulnerability assessments in different communities and villages the following areas: Forecariah and N’zerekore Municipalities. With over 1500 and survivors in our database in Guinea. BLPG and its partners continue to explore ways to help these vulnerable children providing education support, psychosocial counselling, vocational skills training, confidence building, medical interventions, etc
BLPG is working with the Guinean Penitentiary System in providing formal education, faith-based counselling workshops equipping prison inmates to leave prison as responsible citizens ready to contribute positively to the development of their communities.